Edina Fall Into the Arts Festival

The Edina Crime Prevention Fund’s largest fundraiser each year; artists display their artwork along the brick and paved walkways of Centennial Lakes Park for the Edina Fall into the Arts Festival. Centennial Lakes Park is a prime location for an art fair, and said to be one of the most beautiful locations in the country. This urban oasis is located adjacent to one of the busiest shopping corridors in the state along France Avenue in Edina. For more information about the Festival, visit EdinaFallintotheArts.com.
Citizens Academy
This 11-week program in the fall provides citizens who live or work in Edina with an informative and interactive look behind the scenes of the Edina Police Department. Through lectures, demonstrations and hands-on learning, participants discover the “real” world of law enforcement and how police carry out their mission “To Protect and To Serve.” Learn more at EdinaMN.gov/police.
Beyond the Badge
The Edina Crime Prevention Fund co-sponsors this monthly cable TV series about the inner-workings of the Edina Police Department and the Edina Fire Department. The show is broadcast to viewer on channel 813 for Comcast subscribers and channel 1236 for CenturyLink subscribers. Viewers can also find segments of the show on the City and Crime Prevention Fund Facebook pages and EdinaMN.gov.
Motorcycle Unit

Used at large events and around Edina from Spring through Fall, the motorcycle unit consists of two Harley Davidson Police Edition Electra Glides that help keep our roads, parks and neighborhoods safe. It also promotes interaction between the community and the riding officers. Residents – especially kids – enjoy talking with the two motor officers! The Edina Crime Prevention Fund helps to pay for special riding uniforms and specialized equipment.
Explorer Post 925
The Edina Crime Prevention Fund supports the Edina/Eden Prairie Explorer Post 925 by paying for their travel expenses to the out-of-state conference every other year. This program enables young people to explore law enforcement and the role it plays in the community. Many youth engaged in the program eventually find careers in law enforcement.
Youth Program Support
In partnership with the Edina Parks & Recreation Department, the Edina Crime Prevention Fund helps ensure that all youth in Edina have access to supervised and structured activities in the summer. The programs are not only focused on fun, physical fitness, socialization and exploring creativity, but also help the Edina Police Department build connections with participants and families.
Foot Patrol

A traditional “beat cop” in a suburb? Yes – Edina has a foot patrol! Established in 2012, this initiative funded in part by the Edina Crime Prevention Fund enables uniformed and reserve officers to walk 50th & France on weekend nights and during the holiday season. The patrol has been very popular with shoppers and merchants who enjoy the opportunity to talk with officers in a casual setting. Look for officers on weekends during busy summer nights and the holiday season – they look forward to meeting you!
Mobile Surveillance Unit
In 2015, the Edina Police Department made a major equipment acquisition, with funding from the Edina Crime Prevention Fund. The Mobile Surveillance unit has been a significant help in deterring crime throughout Edina. Already in use in many cities throughout the U.S., the unit serves as a
mobile camera that can be accessed by dispatch or officers in their squad at any time.
K-9 Unit

Fully funded by the Edina Crime Prevention Fund, the Edina Police canine teams consist of Officer Sean Young and Canine Blitz, Officer Jason Behr and Canine Blade. Both German Shepherd Dogs were imported from Europe. The basic handler course is 12 weeks and the narcotics detector course is three weeks. They train regularly with other canine units in the area. Their training meets the standards as set forth by the U.S. Police Canine Association.
Patrol Canines are trained for a variety of tasks:
• Agility
• Apprehension
• Article / Evidence searching
• Building Searches for hidden criminals
• Handler Protection
• Narcotics Detection
• Cocaine
• Crack Cocaine
• Heroin
• Marijuana
• Methamphetamines
• Obedience
• Tracking for fleeing criminals or missing persons
To arrange for a demonstration, contact Edina Police Sgt. Mark Melander, 952-833-9539.
Reward Funding
Payment of rewards continues to be a core function of the Edina Crime Prevention Fund. As an example of the effectiveness of rewards, this past Spring after a series of thefts at construction sites, reward flyers were posted – the thefts stopped immediately.
For up to date reward information, visit EdinaMN.gov/Rewards.
Bicycle Patrol

Paid for in full by the Edina Crime Prevention Fund, uniformed officers patrol neighborhoods, parks and business areas primarily at night and in silence on bike. Significant success has been achieved by our Bicycle Patrol in making arrests for a variety of offenses including illegal narcotics use and distribution, property damage, theft, underage drinking and even traffic violations. If you notice a bicyclist pass your home late at night, very possibly it’s an Edina police officer!
Junior Police

In partnership with the Rotary Club of Edina Morningside, the Edina Crime Prevention Fund supports the Junior Police Program, which encompasses classroom visits by an officer in our elementary schools and “street safety talks” to alert children to possible dangers and to actions that they should take in the event they become involved in an unsafe situation.
Officer of the Year

The Crime Prevention Fund has recognized at least one officer a year since 2011, for going above and beyond the call of duty. The Officer of the Year Award is named after Mike Siitari, who served as Police Chief from 1999 to 2009 during his 31-year tenure with the Edina Police Department. Winners are selected by members of the Edina Crime Prevention Fund. Past recipients of the award include Officers Darren Davis, Joel Moore, Dave Lindman, Jake Heckert, Mike Seeger, Det. Mike Lutz, Det. Erik Amundson, Sgt. Brian Hubbard and Sgt. Kevin Rofidal.